It's not a box stupid it's a picture frame duh!
damn chicago graff...
Moral: Team cummander America team 20 has arrived, 200 additional men at your disposal sir... *fapfapfapfapfapfapfap* AAAAAAAAH!!!!! *fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap* OOOOOH!!!! Etc
Set him on fire.
Moral: I bet the guy wants to die by now XD, Team diarrhea for America assemble! Time for dessert!
Everything helps ... ? Here's a condom ...
Hobo In A Box
Moral third strike: Team Fappernaut bitch has arrived sir all 300 of us, we shall quench your thirst *ziiip* open up! 5 at the time, 3-2-1 PlSS! Hobo: Please stop, I am stuffed already! Sorry sir, remains seated and open your mouth or we will have to shot you, open up. Team two! *zip* 3-2-1 PlSS!
You sure you're leaving this week? Your sign is at least a month old
It's not a box stupid it's a picture frame duh!